UK crown for Daniel – Photo 1 of 1 – Alpha Newspaper Group – Ballymena Guardian

Shaun Oneill
Thursday 17 November 2022 8:00
BODY-BUILDER Daniel Wiezorek has his sights set on muscling in on more titles in 2023!
The Ballymena man recently won the United Kingdom Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (UKBFF) title in England.
A couple of weeks later the 25-year-old was back in Definition Gym in the town preparing for next year’s competition scene.
The UK final was Poland -born Wiezorek’s first taste of serious competition.
He told Guardian Sport he was surprised, but delighted, at taking first place in his Category.
Wiezorek was competing in the Over 90kg Intermediate Class in Bilston Town Hall near Wolverhampton.
He certainly impressed the judges, taking top spot.
The Ballymena body-builder said he expected a much larger entry.
But to take top title was a major coupe for the man who first got interested in the sport when he was 18.
The UK Champion outlined that a lot of very hard work and discipline went into getting him into tip-top shape.
He intends continuing working out at Definition Gym, but will not be involved in any more competitions this year.
Wiezorek has hinted he may make a switch to the National Amateur Body Building Association (NABBA) next year.
“I think a move would offer me a bigger challenge,” he told Guardian Sport.
All at Definition Gym in Mill Street in the town send special congratulations to Wiezorek on his UK title success and wish him the very best in 2023.
To qualify for the UKBFF finals in England Wiezorek won an event which took place at Coleraine University.
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