Ranking the Best Months of the Year for Sports Fans – Bleacher Report

One month can mean so much to a sports fan. 
If you are a fan of every sport, then there are always those special months you look forward to. No matter what a fan’s favorite sport is, he or she always counts down the days until it’s his or her favorite month of the year.
To some fans it may be around Super Bowl time, for other fans it may be the time where the final legs of the Champions League are being played.
A month means everything.
Let’s take a look at the most important months to sports fans of all sports in order from least important to most important. 
July is the least exciting month of the year for sports fans.
Unless the Olympics or the World Cup are around, there is not much to look forward in the month of July. The only sport that is in full swing (literally), is baseball. 
Why July is ranked is the lowest:
1. The NBA Finals just finished.
2. The NFL season is still two months away.
3. Baseball is the only sport to look forward to. 
August is not as uneventful as July, but there is not much to look forward to in August, either.
Although the NFL preseason games begin, most football fans do not care much about those games. The football fans are looking forward to September when their favorite football team gets on the gridiron and works for a chance to make it to the Super Bowl. 
Baseball season gets a bit more exciting in August because teams are fighting to make it to the playoffs and win their divisions. Most international soccer leagues have started playing their first couple games, but the big matches like Real Madrid vs. Barcelona are never played this early. 
For sports fans there is not much to be excited about when August comes around. 
Why August is ranked 11th?
1. NFL season is only in preseason.
2. NBA and NHL are still on hiatus.
3. Soccer leagues have just started.
If you are a fan of basketball and soccer, then May is definitely an exciting month for you. 
In May, the NBA playoffs are in full swing and teams are playing their hardest in order to make it to the NBA Finals. 
For soccer fans, May marks the end of the season for most leagues. Not only do champions get crowned in their leagues, but some teams are fighting to win one of the top matches in soccer—the Champions League final. 
In the middle of May, the Champions League final match is played between the two best teams in European soccer. 
 Why May is ranked 10th?
1. Soccer leagues are coming to a close.
2. Champions League finals. 
3. NBA Finals match will be set. 
Nothing makes an American football fan jump for joy like the month of September does.
September means the start America’s most popular sport—football. 
Football fans are not the only ones who are excited, baseball fans are also glued to their television hoping that their favorite team wins their division and makes it to playoffs. There have been so many times when baseball teams drastically change their position in September and make a strong run for the playoffs in October. 
For football fans, September is a month of new beginnings. For baseball fans, September is the month for finishing strong and either moving on to the next step, or preparing for next year.
Why September is ranked ninth?
1. The NFL regular season just started.
2. The regular season in the MLB is coming to a close.
3. NBA/NHL is still on hiatus. 
November makes basketball fans happier than anything else. 
For basketball fans, November means that their favorite sport is back on television. All the moves in the offseason, the NBA draft and all the coaching changes are finally going to be put into practice. New story lines will be created and new rivalries will be formed. 
For some football fans, they will likely know the fate of their team by the time November comes to a close. Some fans will be looking up mock drafts for the rest of the season while others will continue to boast about how well their team will be doing in the playoffs. 
For baseball fans, the season is over and they will all be patiently waiting for spring training.
Why November is ranked eighth?
1. The NBA season just started.
2. The NFL season is getting closer to the end.
3. The MLB has closed up shop until March. 
4. The NHL season is in full swing. 
December is when football teams are usually crowned division champions and fantasy football players are crowned as champions of their leagues. 
For football fans, December is when most teams are planning on where they will be next month. Some teams will prepare to go home and prepare for next year, while other teams are prepared to go wherever they need to go to fight for their playoff lives. 
For basketball and hockey fans, the seasons are just under way. Not every team has started to play at their best level, but it’s exciting to watch teams work to get there. 
Why December ranked seventh?
1. NFL regular season is coming to a close.
2. Fantasy football finals.
3. Basketball and hockey seasons are still in early stages. 
April is a really exciting month for fans of every sport. 
In April, the NFL draft takes place and every NFL fan is looking forward to his or her team drafting a new player to help them in their chances of wining a Super Bowl.
For basketball and hockey fans, the regular season finally comes to a close and first-round playoff matches are set up.
For wrestling fans, the grandest stage of them all is in April—WrestleMania. Wrestling fans are very excited around this time because of how important WrestleMania is to the world of wrestling. 
Why April is ranked sixth?
1. WrestleMania.
2. NFL draft.
3. NBA/NHL regular season comes to a close and playoffs start. 
June is a very eventful month, especially if you are a basketball fan.
June is the month where the NBA Finals take place and the two best teams from the Western and Eastern Conference battle for the NBA title. The NBA Finals are usually dominated by a select group of teams, but these teams are usually the ones that most fans follow. 
The NBA draft also takes place in June and fans who did not see their team succeed have so much to look forward to when the draft comes around. 
For hockey fans, the long and hard fought NHL season comes to a close and the Stanley Cup finals takes place.
For baseball fans, the baseball season has slowly picked up and teams are trying to find their way. 
Why June is ranked fifth?
1. The NBA Finals.
2. The Stanley Cup Finals.
2. The NBA draft.
3. Baseball season is picking up. 
If you are a fan of all types of football, then January is likely your favorite month.
January is the month of champions for football teams. In college football, teams fight for the bowl game they were invited to. For the two teams that were chosen to battle for the national championship, January means everything to them.
All the months of practice and fighting through the rivalry games comes to a close when these two teams take their talents to the gridiron and put on a show for football fans and NFL scouts around the country.
For fans of the NFL, the playoffs are under way. The Super Bowl is so close. Some fans will slip into depression because their favorite team was eliminated while other fans will be jumping for joy because their favorite team is either in the Super Bowl or that much closer. 
January is a very exciting month, but it is not ranked in the top three. 
Why January is ranked fourth?
1. College football national championship game.
2. NFL playoffs.
3. College football bowl games.
4. NBA/NHL seasons are moving into the more competitive parts. 
5. Royal Rumble for WWE fans. 
February is the shorter month out of the year, but it is the second most exciting month of the year for sports fans.
In February, the two best football teams takes the stage and battle it out for the Lombardi trophy. The Super Bowl always puts up great numbers in terms of ratings because fans across the world are always excited to see this epic matchup of elite football teams.
Basketball fans are also really excited in February because of the All-Star weekend and all of it’s fun and excitement. The All-Star weekend is one that usually brings excitement to the fans and keeps basketball fans happy while their favorite teams take a couple of days off from playing. 
Why February is ranked third?
1. The Super Bowl.
2. NBA All-Star Game.
3. NHL season continues to gain steam after their All-Star break. 
If you are a fan of any sport then you will definitely be excited for the month of March.
In March, the 64 best college basketball teams in the country battle each other to win the NCAA basketball championship. Sports fans who never watch college basketball usually tune in when March Madness comes around for plenty of reasons. 
Basketball fans are usually anxious in March because that is when the NBA trade deadline is. Basketball teams are trying to make their teams better so they can ensure a spot in the playoffs, and for some teams, the NBA Finals. 
Football fans are excited in March because the NFL free agency period begins. Some free agents are either given the franchise tag and others are signed by new teams who needed their services. 
March is also a very exciting month for wrestling fans because it is the final month before WrestleMania. 
Why March is ranked second:
1. March Madness.
2. NBA trade deadline.
3. NFL free agency.
4. Road to WrestleMania.
October is the most exciting month for every single sports fan. 
In October, the baseball playoffs are in full swing and teams are fighting to make the World Series. The baseball playoffs are far more exciting then the regular season because of the faster pace. 
Also in October, the NHL and NBA officially start and fans get to see their favorite teams prepare for a strong playoff push or championship berth.
For college sports, basketball finally begins in October, and as the month comes to an end so does the end of the college football season. College football teams still play throughout November and sometimes in December, but October is when teams usually separate themselves by facing rivals. 
Wrestling fans are also thrilled in October because the groundwork for WrestleMania is being built. 
Most soccer fans are excited in October because their favorite team usually faces their most hated rival in October. For any sports fan, rival matchups are usually the most exciting. 
Why is October ranked first?
1. World Series and MLB playoffs.
2. NBA and NHL seasons begin.
3. NFL is in full swing.
4. College basketball begins.
5. College football rivalry matches.
6. Soccer and their rivalry matches.
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