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The Department of Marketing offers courses in marketing, sports marketing, and business environment.
The department provides undergraduates with concentration areas in marketing and sports business, and supports the entrepreneurship concentration.
At the MBA level, the department delivers the core marketing curriculum and supports the sports business and the entrepreneurship and innovation specializations. The PhD in marketing focuses on consumer behavior, marketing communications, sports marketing, international marketing, and marketing strategy.
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The Department of Marketing invites leading researchers to the University of Oregon to present and discuss their research.
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The Department of Marketing hosts a symposium which aims to bridge marketing and consumer scholars and to enable its participants to share scholarship and build connections.
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Our marketing faculty are active scholars who are also recognized for teaching excellence. Members of the department have won teaching excellence awards at the undergraduate, MBA, and executive MBA level. They have also won numerous national awards for research excellence. In addition, many are actively involved with the business community as consultants and board members.
Marketing faculty have consulted in the Pacific Northwest and nationwide to such firms as Marriott, Polaroid, American Express, Tandem Computers, Donaldson Company, US West, Pape Group, Moet-Chandon, PW Pipe, 1st Interstate Bank, Apple, General Motors, Beatrice Hunt-Wesson, The Interpublic Advertising Group, Subaru, and AcuPoll. Oregon marketing faculty have also done expert witness work on litigation matters involving Bristol-Myers Squibb, Visa International, Nike, Adidas, Pacific Bell, the Oakland Raiders, Nautilus, PCH, Toyota, Vidal Sassoon, the America’s Cup, Perrier, the tobacco industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the American Pediatrics Association.
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Wang, Cindy Xin, Hong Yuan, and Joshua T. Beck. “Too Tired for a Good Deal: How Customer Fatigue Shapes The Performance of Pay-What- You-Want Pricing.” Journal of Business Research 144: 987-996.
Dubinsky, Yoav. “Country Image, Cultural Diplomacy, and Sports during the COVID19 Pandemic: Brand America and Super Bowl LV.” Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, forthcoming.
Dubinsky, Yoav. “The Olympic Games, Nation Branding, and Public Diplomacy in a Post-Pandemic World: Reflections on Tokyo 2020 and Beyond.” Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, forthcoming.
Dubinsky, Yoav. “Branding a City as a Sports Town: A Conceptual Model Based on ‘Track Town USA.'” Journal of Global Sport Management, forthcoming.
Dubinsky, Yoav. “IOC Rule 50 and the Evolution of Athletes’ Activism in America.” In Reflexões Olímpicas e Dignidade Humana, edited by N. Todt, A. Miragaya, F. Fontoura, and C. Moreno, 33-40. eMuseu do Esporte e a Comitê Brasileiro Pierre de Coubertin.
Hanson, Sara, Monika Kukar-Kinney, and Hong Yuan. “Understanding the Impact of Recipient Identification and Discount Structure on Social Coupon Sharing: The Role of Altruism and Market Mavenism.” Psychology & Marketing 38, no. 11: 2102-2121.
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Bettina Cornwell
Head, Department of Marketing
Lundquist College of Business
1208 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1208
Are you a student currently registered in a marketing course? If so, you are eligible for our marketing survey pool. Surveys typically take place in the Business Research Institute, the innovative marketing research lab on the second floor of Chiles.
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Lundquist College of Business
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1208
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