Trusted software engineering. Critical infrastructure protection. Network security management. Cybersecurity is a broad field and a national priority. The cybersecurity sector is projected to grow from $75 billion in 2015 to $175 billion by 2020.
The Cybersecurity master’s program at Michigan Tech answers the demand with a collaborative program through the departments of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the College of Computing. Students develop a unique focus for the careers—and the future—they want to create.
Trusted software is the foundation of cybersecurity. The Software Engineering Institute estimates that 90 percent of reported security incidents result from exploits against defects in software design or code. Students in the TSE track learn how to systematically apply scientific and technical knowledge to the design, implementation and testing of software to enable it to withstand attack, to provide security services, and to inspire trust by potential hosts.
Advances in smart-grid technology create both improvements and entry points for hackers. Students in the CIP track focus on power grid cybersecurity with a critical mass of courses—industrial control security, network architecture, threat identification, anomaly detection, incident response, forensics, and recovery—that provides students with the knowledge and skills to carry out North America Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) CIP compliance and industry best practices.
Network Security Managers are among the highest-paid in the cybersecurity field, with an average salary range of $100,215 to $71,433, more in larger organizations. Students in the NSM track learn to develop and manage networks and services to meet computing-resources needs for organizations. Effective network and system management targets a variety of threats in different layers to stop them from entering or spreading on networks. Security teams design the networks, set up appropriate services, ensure resources are available, address performance concerns, study histories, and troubleshoot network and host problems.
This option requires a research thesis prepared under the supervision of the advisor. The thesis describes a research investigation and its results. The scope of the research topic for the thesis should be defined in such a way that a full-time student could complete the requirements for a master’s degree in 12 months or three semesters following the completion of coursework by regularly scheduling graduate research credits.
The minimum requirements are as follows:
Programs may have stricter requirements and may require more than the minimum number of credits listed here.
This option requires a report describing the results of an independent study project. The scope of the research topic should be defined in such a way that a full-time student could complete the requirements for a master’s degree in twelve months or three semesters following the completion of coursework by regularly scheduling graduate research credits.
Of the minimum total of 30 credits, at least 24 must be earned in coursework other than the project:
Programs may have stricter requirements and may require more than the minimum number of credits listed here.
This option requires a minimum of 30 credits be earned through coursework. A limited number of research credits may be used with the approval of the advisor, department, and Graduate School. See degree requirements for more information.
A graduate program may require an oral or written examination before conferring the degree and may require more than the minimum credits listed here:
What Is Cybersecurity?
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Contact Us
Graduate Program Director:
Jean Mayo
Graduate Program Assistant:
Kathryn Burns Oliver
Applications are reviewed on an individual basis using a holistic approach.
Michigan Tech requires a minimum 79 overall TOEFL or 6.5 overall IELTS score.
For Fall: beginning January 1
For Spring: beginning October 1
Fall Semester: May 1
Spring Semester: September 1
Summer: Please contact the Graduate Program Director
For full financial consideration for Fall: February 1