Thursday's national newspaper front pages | UK News – Sky News

Sky News takes a look at the stories making headlines on the front of Saturday’s national newspapers.
You can watch the Press Preview with Rachel Cunliffe, senior associate editor of the New Statesman and Mark Wallace, chief executive of ConservativeHome in the video above.
See you again on Saturday night for a look at Sunday’s papers.
The headline writers at the Star went for a QE2 pun to describe the thousands of mourners waiting to see the Queen’s coffin.
Maybe they missed a trick with not using ‘Line of Duty’?
The pound slid to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985, says the FT.
It is the first time it has breached the $1.14 mark in almost four decades.
Prince Edward’s affectionate term for the Queen, ‘Mama’ is used by the Mail in its front page tribute.
The queue to see the Queen’s coffin, according to the i, is now at 24-hours long.
The paper also warns of a mortgage rate hike for Britons already bracing for a difficult winter thanks to the energy crisis, as it predicts the Bank of England is set to raise interest rates again.
The Mirror says the Queen’s death has united the country in a “mass outpouring of love and respect”. 
That now iconic photo is used to significant effect again on the full front of the Express.
Plans by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia to visit London to pay his respects to the Queen have been condemned by the fiancée of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to the Guardian.
The new Princess of Wales’s visit to see Commonwealth troops at Pirbright in Surrey – who are preparing for Monday’s funeral – was the Times’s choice of lead photo.
Much of the rest of the paper’s front is given over to sketch writer, Quentin Letts, who describes in detail, the 15 minutes of solemn vigil the Queen’s children undertook in her memory.
As expected, the striking photograph of the Queen’s children mounting a vigil around her coffin makes the front of most papers. 
The Sun is no exception.
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